Have you ever wondered if your items are the real deal? Check out our SUPERPAWN team giving you the Low Down on what you should be on the lookout for when purchasing high end designer bags, jewelry, watches and more.
Hey, friends, this is Chris at SUPERPAWN. Here to talk about designer bags today. There are so many replicas out there. How do you know the difference? We're gonna get to the bottom of how we at SUPERPAWN, decide which is which. It's one of our least favorite jobs here at SUPERPAWN to let someone know that their item is not genuine.
People spend hundreds, thousands of dollars on items that they believe are in fact real and they're not. So that's why we're here. It's not always pleasant, but we're here to give you the truth. So here we have this beautiful Chanel bag. This quilted pattern is all the rage right now. It's one of the most desirable Chanel bags out there.
First thing we look for when we're looking at the front is the stitching. So as you can see, all the lines are supposed to be straight through. The quilts are supposed to line up perfectly. Now, one of the things I noticed when I see this bag right off the front, when I close this bag, the quilts don't line up all the way. As you can see, they're a little bit off center. They don't line up and make that perfect diamond. So that's a flag that I would see.
The next step that I would do is I would look at the inside, look at the texture. As you can see. The bag is supposed to have that supple lambskin feel to it. This kind of has that plasticky synthetic feel to it, even though it looks great from a distance. When you pull it up close, you can start to see those little anomalies in it. Now some of the things that we would have to locate are the serial number card on the inside. It should match the serial number that's on the bag. has some paperwork in it as well. You see from the video that it doesn't match. That's another flag.
What I'm going to do now is use a system that we have. We work with a company called Entrupy. They're one of the best names out there in terms of identifying the authenticity of a bag or if it's just a replica. So our friends at Entrupy have given us this device here. It's an iPod. That they've installed their own software on. It allows us to take pictures from the side, pictures from the front and on the inside as well.
Once we've done that, what we do is we attach the microscope function, which has a light. When we look up at the items, we can actually see the grain of the material. When we took a closer look on the inspection , we started to see some more hinks with it. It doesn't have that natural grain that what you would see in a lambskin. It has a more synthetic and feel with that once we've sent it in.
Entrupy has their algorithms built in as well as their experts from Chanel, from Louis Vuitton, from Gucci to review the item. It's convincing to the eye. To the untrained eye. But we at SUPERPAWN have come to find out that this is a replica. So when you're looking for a new designer bag, or looking to authenticate your designer bag. Check us out at SUPERPAWN, where all our items are guaranteed to be authentic and all our items are perfectly priced.
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